Social Emotional Learning at Zapata Academy
Zapata SEL Vision and Mission Statement
The Zapata Culture and Climate Team Mission and Vision is to provide the school community with the foundation for lifelong social, emotional, and academic learning in a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment.
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Caring
Be Here, Be Ready
En toda la escuela
Ser Respetuoso
Ser Cuidadoso
Ser Amable
Estár aquí, Estár listo
Zapata Warriors of the Month
A Zapata Warrior demonstrates all 4 components of the Zapata Matrix of Expected Behaviors:
- Be Respectful (e.g. treat staff and peers with respect, appreciate differing points of view, listen actively, use healthy conflict resolution strategies, respect school property)
- Be Safe (e.g. keep hands and feet to yourself, report unsafe things you observe, wear your mask)
- Be Caring (e.g. use kind words and actions, be helpful, be polite, take turns)
- Be Here/Be Ready (e.g. try your best, arrive on time to school, do your homework)
ANY Zapata student that consistently demonstrates the above four components of the Zapata Matrix of Expected Behaviors. Each homeroom teacher will select 2-3 students per homeroom each month.
The SEL/Culture and Climate Committee is recommending the Zapata Warrior of the Month celebration in lieu of the Zapata Bucks that were used in previous years as a Tier 1 support to encourage positive school behavior.
2024 Zapata T-Shirt Contest Participants & Finalists
SEL Poster Contest Winners 2023 - What is a Zapata Warrior?
2023-2024 Zapata Warriors of the Month
2022-2023 Zapata Warriors of the Month
2021-2022 Zapata Warriors of the Month
Zapata Bucks
What are Zapata Bucks?
Zapata Bucks is a system that reinforces and rewards positive behavior at Zapata Academy. Students receive positive praise throughout the school day to help reinforce their actions when they are being respectful, caring, safe, here and ready. Students can earn Zapata Bucks or a punch on their Zapata Bucks Card when they show positive and respectful behavior in school. Students save their Zapata Bucks and "buy" prizes at the Warriors Store with the bucks they earned at the end of the quarter.
How can parents help?
Practice at Home
Review and practice the Zapata Matrix at home with your child. Encourage positive and respectful behavior.
Donations for the Warriors Store are always welcome! Please send any prize donations with your child in a bag marked Warriors Store.
Zapata Matrix Poster Contest Winners - Spring 2018
Thank you to all students who participated! There were 102 entries and many wonderful examples of following the Matrix.
Matrix of Expected BehaviorsRemote Learning: School Wide
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Caring
Be Here, Be Ready
Modelo de Comportamiento Esperado
Aprendizaje remoto: toda la escuela
Ser Respetuoso
Ser Cuidadoso
Ser Amable
Estar aquí, Estar listo